Complaints Procedure
- Sciath na Scol shall only accept correspondence from the school through the
Chairperson, the Principal or the designated teacher.
- When affiliating to Sciath na Scol annually teachers and the B.O.M. agree to be
bound by the rules of Sciath na Scol.
- The philosophy of Sciath na Scol is to promote Gaelic Games in an atmosphere
of fun and enjoyment.
- Complaints, Objections & Counter-Objections
Any complaints or objections must be lodged with the Rúnai Chontae in writing within 4 school days of the game. The Rúnai informs the other party who also have 4 school days to respond in writing
The matter can then be dealt with by the Choiste Chontae. The decision will then be conveyed to both parties. Any party dissatisfied with the decision of the Coiste may appeal in writing to the Rúnai Chontae Sciath na Scol within 4 school days. This appeal will be dealt with by the Coiste Gearán.
- Coiste Gearán
This is an appeals body
A minimum of 5 are elected to this committee at the A.G.M. No member of the Officer Board of Coiste Chontae, Sciath na Scol or anybody who has heard the original objection may sit on an Coiste Gearán. No member of an Coiste Gearán may consider an appeal involving their own school. The Coiste Gearán may call all interested parties.
A quorum of 3 is necessary to hear all appeals.
The decision of an Coiste Gearán is final and binding
- All Sciath na Scol matters within the county shall be resolved internally